Photography Trends for 2020

October 07, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Photographic images and video are big part of the marketing mix and it looks set to grow rather than diminish. There are so many devices capturing images from, smartphones, dash cams and hidden cameras to regular DSLR’s and video cameras that we have more opportunity to share these than ever before. In addition technology such as 5G mobile will make it even easier to share and stream video content. Below are some of the photography trends I expect to see in 2020.

Documentary photos and videos will be on the rise

Story telling videos and documentary pictures put together into video slide shows are fast replacing single pictures and photo essays. It is fast becoming a case of let the pictures do the talking. You no longer have to explain footages to someone who was not there as videos and documentary are self explanatory. Not only is this a simple way to get your marketing message across but in can be used in training and other communication platforms too. The major social media platforms have dedicated story telling functions and this trend looks set to continue. I also see big brands commissioning documentary style programmes that they plan to release through the major streaming channels.


Drone photography will become even more prominent

Drone photography is set to become increasingly prevalent. The cost of the technology is decreasing at the same time as the quality of imagery improves. Drones give you a glimpse into areas that were impossible to photograph before. Whilst there is still some controversy over their use it doesn’t seem to be diminishing. The demand for drones is still growing and new suppliers continue to enter the market.  


The cost of drone video footage continues to reduce making them an ideal tool for getting those previously impossible shots. Capturing that perfect moment or prefect angle because you can fly a camera into an inaccessible place becomes easier every year.

Natural and environmental photography will demand more attention

Environmental issues are becoming a more prevalent news item. The awareness of global warming and the increasing number of protest and events centred around environmental issues means that the media and business need to pay attention to their environmental policies. Marketing teams will be keen to show how a company is living up to its environmental goals and strategy. Photography and videos of green spaces, the natural world, recycling and environmental projects will become more prevalent.  


Photography will be about a true self expression

The work force demographic is changing.  Millennials are set to become 50% of the workplace generation on in 2020.  This is a generation that has grown up with smart phone technology. It is second nature for them to share images and videos of themselves.  They are so used to taking selfies that they are inherently less camera shy. They feel comfortable striking natural poses while being filmed.  It won't see the end of the corporate “passport” style head and shoulder portraits, but you will continue to see a rise in natural candid images of people in real situations.  This will carry over into the general photographic style with marketing images looking less filtered or "instagrammy" and more natural and real.


There are sure to be lots of other trends I have missed. Let me know your thoughts and what you think the future holds for photography and video.



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