Why should you care about Images and Videos for Digital Marketing ?

October 21, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Over the last eighteen months our lives have changed irrevocably, with multiple lessons learned along the way. One thing the business community has learned over this challenging time has been the significance of visual content. In this article I’ll be exploring the ways visual content can help your business succeed well into the future.

Mask wearing became the new normal

Technology kept us all connected at a time when it was unsafe to leave our homes. Pioneering companies used their platforms to bolster spirits through the delivery of fun, entertaining visual content; even the most cynical browser couldn’t deny that viral videos were a welcome distraction from the news. This shift in marketing methodology also helped businesses claw back lost revenue. Content or inbound marketing, where the emphasis is on the soft sell, attracted new customers who would go on to buy products and remain loyal customers.

A well-thought out visual digital marketing strategy and the re-evaluation of goals kept many businesses afloat during the worst of the pandemic. Many companies successfully scrambled to transition from practicing street-front, in-person business to online and made a great job of it. Others struggled to make that change, and who could blame them? It’s safe to say that for the majority, staying healthy and protecting loved ones took precedence over business success. But, with a workforce to think of and the expectation that their business would see the other side of the pandemic, some quick thinking was in order. A proactive digital marketing strategy proved an effective, low-cost way to keep customers informed and, crucially, motivated to spend.

Professional videographers, photographers and digital marketing agencies stepped forward to support traditional businesses through this transition. Enterprising people plugged gaps in this strange new market by establishing online businesses they could visually promote cheaply and easily on social media. Despite the pandemic proving to be one of the most challenging chapters in our recent history, the countless examples of entrepreneurship that have emerged from the crisis is testament to our enduring spirit. 

The Future of Digital Marketing

Browsers of all ages have enjoyed and benefited from this upsurge in sophisticated digital marketing. Now, as we come out of the worst of the pandemic, the onus is on businesses to maintain this level of marketing wizardry. 

Using a mobile to place orders anytime and anywhere

  • Establish your post-pandemic priorities

Now, we all know that the pandemic is far from over but with the world opening up again, life is returning to a tentative normality. It is a new normal, however, because we view the world differently now, with more caution. Do your business objectives align with what consumers want and need in this new normal? Now is a good time to carry out a review of your business plan.

  • Continuing your Digital Offer

The transformation of the online marketplace during the last year and a half has increased customer expectations, many of whom will prefer to continue purchasing digitally. Running your business online has multiple advantages:

  • You can expect to enjoy lower overheads
  • You can amend online content instantaneously
  • You can respond to customer queries immediately
  • You can post excellent content that converts for free

Virtual Tours and Video Clips

If your customers can’t come to you, you can come to them with a virtual tour. A high quality virtual tour builds trust in your brand by giving customers who can’t visit you the inside scoop on your business. Behind the scenes insight tells a story that customers can’t access by visiting your physical shop. 

See below for an example of a virtual tour of a demo operating room I created for aBender UK's medical equipment business. This content reached clients unable to visit their premises. 

Tourism suffered greatly during lockdown and to create online interest tourism companies created high quality video clips that showcased the very best of their resorts. They were looking ahead to the time when people could visit and producing great visual content put them one step ahead of the competition.  Here's an excellent example of a video clip created by Exmoor businesses to maintain contact with their customers.

Video created by exmoor Businesses

Remember, quality visual content is no longer the domain of large, global corporations and building a responsive digital strategy should be the priority of every business owner. 

This is how you can do it:

  • Get to know your target audience

Avoid the scattergun approach of trying to market to everyone and develop a buyer persona. Get to know exactly who they are, where they live, what they like and dislike and the problems they face. Then, when creating your visual content, imagine you’re chatting to this ideal customer and sell directly to them. With a bit of research and analysis of your marketing channels, you’ll know what platforms they prefer, when they go online and what they look for. 

What does your ideal customer look like

  • If in doubt, outsource

It takes guts to admit that you’re not great at digital marketing. Even if you are a social media whizz, you may not have the time to commit to building a top notch, responsive online presence; after all, you’ve a business to build and a life to live. Outsourcing to the experts means you can be reassured that great content is going out on the right platforms, at the right time and aimed at the right audience. It’s a win-win.

  • Upgrade your visual content

You're not the only business owner to have upped their digital game, so now isn’t the time to rest on your laurels. Always strive to learn new tricks, keep up on visual marketing trends and build your digital marketing skills. Have a stock of professional product photos on hand that can be used in multiple ways on your marketing channels. You only need a smartphone to make and post interesting product demo videos. For more insider tips on how to create engaging social media content, click here

The key to successful digital marketing is understanding your audience and being willing to adapt key marketing trends. Taking a little time once or twice a month to research the latest in digital marketing and analyse audience engagement on your social media platforms will go a long way.

For more guidance on making quality visual content, get in touch and I’ll do my best to help.



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