5 Tips for Posting Video on Instagram.

February 05, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


5 Tips for Posting Video on Instagram5 Tips for Posting Video on Instagram

  1. Before you start filming think about how you want the finished video to look.  Then plan the shots you need to film and write a script or shot list.  Try and make your video without sound - this will allow people who have a hearing impairment to fully enjoy your film.  It also means viewers who are in a public place and don't want to disturb their neightbours will be able to watch the content without embarrassment.
  2. If you are making the video on a smart phone, the good news is that the Instagram format is no longer constrained.  You can film in either portrait or landscape format.  One quick tip - filming in landscape orientation will allow you to use two hands and this helps to keep the camera steady.
  3. Avoid wobbly shots!  The best option is to use a tripod.  From my own research I have found that a lot of tripods that are sold for mobile phones are too light and flimsy to create a stable platform from which to film.  Try a small or lightweight camera tripod such as the gorilla pod from Joby and then put a mobile phone adapter on it.  This will give you a versatile set up that you can use on almost any surface.
  4. Make sure that the camera is focused on your subject. On most smart phones when you touch the screen it focuses on whatever is by your finger.  Best practice is to lock both exposure and focus, which is normally achieved by holding your finger on the screen for a few seconds  This stops the camera making adjustments while you are filming - it never looks good if your subject goes unintentionally out of focus half way through a clip.
  5. Use you phones video editing software to tidy up your video before posting, or if you used a camera then edit your video using software on your pc, laptop or tablet.  iMovie which is included in IOS is an easy to use option which has plenty of templates to make your video look more professional. Samsung phones also have their own video editing programme.  After it is edited the final step is to share your video on Instagram.  

If you don't have the time or inclination to create your own videos then give me a call on 07557 780336 and I can create some content for you.







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